Letitia Suk is a friend from forty years ago with whom I lost contact until we recently discovered each other at a Christian writers’ conference. I heard her name when they introduced her as the conference chaplain, but silly me, I didn’t put it together that Letitia was actually Tish. I remember wondering if she was related to the Tish Suk I had once known. Eventually we became Facebook friends and I saw a picture of her with her husband, Tom. The lightbulb finally went on. Her recently released book, Getaway with God, inspired me to begin taking personal retreats. I recommend this book, and her blog (see below). The posts are always thought provoking and uplifting. I hope you enjoy this one.
I love my Uber app. Just a few clicks and I am good to go somewhere when Tom is using our shared car. Of course I learned about it from my 20-something daughter who stayed on the phone with me while I signed up as I was anxious about somehow “doing it wrong.”
My opening question is always, “How long have you been driving with Uber?” The answer has ranged from three years to one day. Most of the time it is just a few months.
Perhaps because I may or may not have a “Mom-like” presence, I’m honored with hearing many stories from the drivers during our rides. I don’t broadcast an invitation like “Tell me your life history in the next 10 minutes” but that’s often what happens.
About half the time, especially if I’m transported to the hospital, I mention I’m a chaplain (i.e. I pray for people.) The most common response: Will you pray for me? I do, of course, right there. No time for theology or inter-faith discussions, just simple prayer.
My favorite encounter was on a long ride to the airport, lots of time for stories. As we were pulling in, the driver turned around, “Ma’am, we are almost there and you haven’t prayed for me yet!” Another time the driver asked me if it would be OK to give me a hug after we had prayed about some tough family stuff. Yup, just fine.
Funny but I’ve never had the same driver twice and never hear how things worked out but that’s OK.
Looking forward to the next round of stories, everyone has one.
Hope for the best,
Letitia Suk invites women to chase the intentional life. She writes and speaks of renewal and restoration offering platters of hope to women in each season of life. Tish blogs at hopeforthebest.org and is the author of Getaway with God: The Everywoman’s Guide to Personal Retreat (http://amzn.to/2pPE7Iu) and Rhythms of Renewal.