Last winter during a rainy spell I entertained myself by working on a jigsaw puzzle. As the picture began coming together, it seemed there was a piece missing. One piece really looked as though it should go in that spot, but it did not fit. I don’t know how many times I tried to make it fit, but it just would not go in.
As I neared completion, a spot opened up where that piece fit perfectly, and eventually the piece needed for the other opening showed up as well. Of course the piece looked nothing like I had expected it to look.
After I finished the puzzle, I began thinking how often I have experienced similar situations in my life. I think I have the perfect solution to a problem, but no matter how I try, it just doesn’t work. Then when I get out of the way and turn it over to God, He provides a much better answer.
This is why He tells us in Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” We, limited by our own human understanding, are looking at the individual pieces. He sees the entire picture and knows where they all go. We are wise to trust Him.
I love this analogy. It speaks to the lives of every person and is a good reminder that God’s perspective is always a complete one.