Arizona is known for its glorious sunsets. From the back window of my house I can watch the changing colors blaze across the western horizon. At times the view is absolutely breathtaking. This photo was taken a few blocks from my house. A few weeks ago, the sky turned a shade of red so intense I couldn’t think of anything on earth to compare it to. The camera on my phone was unable to do it justice.
The psalmist David said, “They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of your signs; You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy” (Psalm 65:8). Yes, sunrise and sunset must take place every day, but God arranged atmospheric conditions so we’re frequently treated to a beautiful display of vibrant color. He didn’t need to do that. The spectacular colors are a bonus.
The real message in sunrises and sunsets is their predictability. Every day the sun comes up, and every evening it goes back down. No need to be sad when it sets, or to worry whether it will rise again the next morning. It will. Some days the sky may be covered in thick clouds that hide the sun from view, but we don’t doubt that it’s up there shining away, or worry that it won’t rise again the next day. We can count on it.
In the same way, we can always count on God to do what His Word promises He will do. Like the sun shining behind the clouds, even in the darkest times He’s there, working behind the scenes. God told Jeremiah the prophet, “I am watching over My Word to perform it” (Jeremiah 1:12). Some versions say he is hastening to perform it. Our God is faithful. He knows what His Word says, and He is actively engaged in bringing it to pass.
Some days, when things don’t seem to be going as we hoped, we may have a hard time seeing God at work in our lives. At times like this, I find myself wondering, “Where is God in all this?” Of course, the answer is simple. He’s right where He belongs. The problem is not with Him, but with my losing sight of Him in some way. I have let clouds of doubt, fear, or other negative emotions block my view of God’s grace and goodness.
The antidote is equally simple: open up the Bible and read what He says about who I am and what I have in Him. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans10:17). When I refocus on the truth of God’s Word, the clouds soon clear.
Consider some of the words God is hastening to perform, such as His promise never to leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5), and the assurance in Lamentations 3:22-24 that “His mercies are new every morning.”
Next time you see a glorious sunset, remember that those amazing colors are just “God’s little extras.” Remember the important message of every sunrise and sunset: God is “on the job!” He is faithful. We can count on Him.
What a beautiful reminder of who He is and how He loves us.